This is the archived documentation for Doka Image Editor v6.

Please visit to see documentation for the latest version of Pintura Image Editor.


The Doka Markup feature can be used to set pre-defined markup for the user to edit.

Use it for:

  • Creating preset text fields or shapes the user can edit
  • Automatically adding watermarks to images
  • Automatically add borders to images

This feature integrates seamlessly with FilePond. The FilePond image preview and image transform plugins both can handle markup. Metadata set to FilePond file items is automatically passed to Doka for editing.

Available shapes

The following shapes can be defined in the markup property array.

The following properties are available to all shapes.

Property Default Description
opacity null The opacity of the shape, value between 0 and 1
zIndex 0 The z-index of the shape, higher values are moved to the top, lower values to the bottom. Use values lower than 0 to place shapes below user generated content. Shapes are rendered from top to bottom, so if no z-indexes are supplied, shapes at the end of the list will be rendered on top.
allowDestroy true Can the user remove this shape?
allowSelect true Can the user select this shape?
allowMove true Can the user move this shape?
allowResize true Can the user resize this shape?
allowInput true Can the user input text in this shape? (only available for text input)
allowEdit true Can the user edit the properties of this shape. Set to false to disable editing all properties. Set to array of editable properties to only allow those properties to be edited.

The following properties are available to the allowEdit command:

  • fontFamily
  • fontSize
  • fontWeight
  • textAlign
  • backgroundColor
  • fontColor
  • borderColor
  • borderWidth
  • borderStyle
  • lineColor
  • lineWidth
  • lineDecoration
  • lineJoin
  • lineCap

These positional properties are available to all shapes except the path shape. The path shape takes an array of points instead of a rect to describe its draw location.

Shape position and dimension values can be set to fractions 0 to 1, percentages '0%' to '100%', or pixel values '128px'

Property Default Description
x null The position from the left edge of the output image
y null The position from the top edge of the output image
left null Same as x
top null Same as y
right null The position from the right edge of the output image
bottom null The position from bottom left edge of the output image


Property Default Description
width null The width of the rectangle
height null The height of the rectangle
backgroundColor null The background color of the rectangle
borderColor null The color of the rectangle stroke
borderWidth null The width of the rectangle stroke
borderStyle null A dash array to define a dashed line, ['10px'] a dash each 10 pixels


Property Default Description
width null The width of the ellipse
height null The height of the ellipse
backgroundColor null The background color of the ellipse
borderColor null The color of the ellipse stroke
borderWidth null The width of the ellipse stroke
borderStyle null A dash array to define a dashed line, ['10px'] a dash each 10 pixels


Property Default Description
width null The width of the image
height null The height of the image
src null The src of the image to show
fit null How to render the image inside the image box, choose between 'contain', 'cover', or 'force'


Property Default Description
fontColor null The color of the font
fontWeight null The weight of the font
fontFamily null The font family of the font
textAlign null The alignment of the font relative to the x position, 'left', 'center', or 'right'
text null The text to render


Property Default Description
width null The width of the line box, drawn from top left to bottom right
height null The height of the line box, drawn from top left to bottom right
lineWidth null The width of the line to render
lineCap null The line cap style
lineJoin null The line join style
lineStyle null A dash array to define a dashed line, ['10px'] a dash each 10 pixels
lineDecoration null Array of line end styles


Property Default Description
points null Array of point objects [{ x:0, y:0 }, ...].
lineWidth null The width of the path to render
lineCap null The path cap style
lineJoin null The path join style
lineStyle null A dash array to define a dashed path, ['10px'] a dash each 10 pixels

Defining Markup

A markup item is defined using an array. The first index is the name of the shape, the second index contains the settings for the shape.

        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        width: '100px',
        height: '100px',
        backgroundColor: 'red',

Defining multiple elements can be done like this, we've added canSelect: false to prevent the user from editing our watermark.

    markup: [
                left: 0,
                right: 0,
                bottom: 0,
                height: '60px',
                backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)',
                canSelect: false,
                right: '10px',
                bottom: '10px',
                width: '128px',
                height: '34px',
                src: './doka-logo.svg',
                fit: 'contain',
                canSelect: false,