FilePond Pintura Image Editor

Combine FilePond with Pintura and create the perfect image edit and upload experience.

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The FilePond object is the object available after importing FilePond in your project. It exports the FilePond public API which we'll mostly use to create, find or destroy FilePond instances on the page.


Method Description
create(element, options) Creates a new FilePond instance, both parameters are optional.
destroy(element) Destroys the FilePond instance attached to the supplied element
find(element) Returns the FilePond instance attached to the supplied element
parse(context) Parses a given section of the DOM tree for elements with class .filepond and turns them into FilePond elements.
registerPlugin(plugin) Registers a FilePond plugin for later use
setOptions(options) Sets page level default options for all FilePond instances
getOptions() Returns the current default options
supported() Returns true or false based on if the browser supports FilePond


Property Description
Status An enum to use together with the FilePond status property to determine the current filepond instance status.
FileOrigin An enum to use together with the File origin property to determine the file origin.
FileStatus An enum to use together with the File status property to determine the current file status.
OptionTypes Returns an object describing all the available options and their types, useful for writing FilePond adapters


Enhancing an HTML element

The create method can be used to turn an element into a FilePond element. Pass an element reference as the first argument and presto!

We can still pass options to our instance by using data attributes.

FilePond will automatically clone attribute values and map them to its properties. This is very useful when progressively enhancing an existing <input type="file"> element.

In the example below the attributes name, data-max-files and required will automatically be passed to the created FilePond instance and converted from a string to the right property unit type.

<input type="file" name="filepond" data-max-files="10" required />

    // get a reference to the input element
    const inputElement = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');

    // create a FilePond instance at the input element location
    const pond = FilePond.create(inputElement);

    // attributes have been set to pond options
    console.log(; // 'filepond'
    console.log(pond.maxFiles); // 10
    console.log(pond.required); // true

Attribute to option mapping is done by removing the data- part, removing dashes and uppercasing each character after a dash. This process turns data-max-files into maxFiles.

It's also possible to pass an additional option object to the create method.

<input type="file" name="filepond" required multiple />

    // get a reference to the input element
    const inputElement = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');

    // create a FilePond instance at the input element location
    const pond = FilePond.create(inputElement, {
        maxFiles: 10,
        allowBrowse: false,

    // attributes and initial options have been set to pond options
    console.log(; // 'filepond'
    console.log(pond.maxFiles); // 10
    console.log(pond.required); // true
    console.log(pond.allowMultiple); // true

Using an option object

We can also create a FilePond instance out of thin air and then add it to the page later on.

// create a FilePond instance at the input element location
const pond = FilePond.create({
    name: 'filepond',
    maxFiles: 10,
    allowBrowse: false,

// add our pond to the body


Destroying a FilePond instance will reset the HTML to its original state.

<intput type="file" name="filepond" required multiple>
        const inputElement = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');

        // create the FilePond instance

        // destroy the FilePond instance by element reference


The parse method lets us automatically load FilePond elements on the page.

The code below will instruct FilePond to look for elements with the class .filepond in the subtree of the <body> element.

<input type="file" class="filepond" />



We can set default options for all our FilePond instances on the page using the setOptions method.

    allowDrop: false,
    allowReplace: false,
    instantUpload: false,
    server: {
        url: '',
        process: './process.php',
        revert: './revert.php',
        restore: './restore.php?id=',
        fetch: './fetch.php?data=',


We can register plugins with FilePond using the registerPlugin method.

<script src="./filepond.js"></script>
<script src="./filepond-plugin-image-preview.js"></script>

    FilePond.create(/* options here */);

We can pass multiple plugins.

FilePond.registerPlugin(FilePondPluginImagePreview, FilePondPluginFileValidateSize);

Plugins need to be registered before we create our first FilePond instance.


These are the properties available on the Status enum.

    EMPTY: 0,
    IDLE: 1,
    ERROR: 2,
    BUSY: 3,
    READY: 4


These are the properties available on the FileStatus enum. We can use it to get the actual status from the file item status property.

    INIT: 1,
    IDLE: 2,
    LOADING: 7,


This enum contains the names for the different file origins.

A file item is either:

    INPUT: 1,
    LIMBO: 2,
    LOCAL: 3