FilePond Pintura Image Editor

Combine FilePond with Pintura and create the perfect image edit and upload experience.

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File item

The addFile, getFile and processFile methods will return FileItem objects.


Property Description
id Returns the id of the file
serverId Returns the server id of the file
origin Returns the origin of the file, either input ( added by user ), limbo ( temporary server file ) or local ( existing server file )
status Returns the current status of the file, use the FilePond.FileStatus enum to determine the status
file Returns the File object
fileExtension Returns the file extension
fileSize Returns the size of the file
filename Returns the full name of the file
filenameWithoutExtension Returns the name of the file without extension


Method Description
abortLoad() Aborts loading of this file
abortProcessing() Aborts processing of this file
getMetadata(key?) Retrieve metadata saved to the file, pass a key to retrieve a specific part of the metdata (for instance 'crop' or 'resize'). If no key is passed, the entire metadata object is returned.
setMetadata(key, value) Add additional metadata to the file. Expects a key and a value.