
Setting up Pintura Image Editor with Svelte

For a quick start use the Svelte example project as a guideline.

It includes a normal, modal, and overlay editor example, as well as an example showing how to integrate FilePond with Pintura.

Installing the Svelte modules

Using test version

Test versions of the pintura and svelte-pintura modules are available on NPM.

npm install --save @pqina/svelte-pintura @pqina/pintura

Using private npm

The pintura module is available on the pqina private npm.

In our project root directory we create a file called .npmrc and copy the snippet below to the file. Then we replace PQINA_NPM_KEY with our private npm key as displayed on the pqina customer portal.


Now we can install the needed modules like shown below.

npm install --save @pqina/svelte-pintura @pqina/pintura

Using local modules

Instead of installing from the private npm we can create a local_modules folder inside our project root directory. We then copy paste the pintura files from the product package, the svelte-pintura package is available on npm.

We can now install the modules like shown below.

npm install --save @pqina/svelte-pintura ./local_modules/pintura

Svelte Events and properties

To listen for events we can use the on: attribute.

<PinturaEditor on:load={handleEvent}></PinturaEditor>

Properties names are set the same way as in the JavaScript version of the editor.

<PinturaEditor src="image.jpeg" imageCropAspectRatio={1}></PinturaEditor>

Default Svelte implementation example

In the default example below we'll use the getEditorDefaults method to quickly create an image editor.

This creates a "default" editor that has all available plugins loaded and comes preset with all plugin default options and English locale. Each of these settings can be adjusted freely.

    // Import from `pintura`
    import '@pqina/pintura/pintura.css';

    // Import the editor default configuration
    import { getEditorDefaults } from '@pqina/pintura';

    // Import from `svelte-pintura`
    import { PinturaEditor } from '@pqina/svelte-pintura';

<div style="height:600px">

Advanced Svelte implementation example

In this example we'll create a custom editor, using a custom set of plugins, locale, and available options.

While this example is a lot more verbose it does allow us to create a more optimal editor package. The build process will tree-shake unused functionality resulting in a smaller build target.

    // Import from `pintura`
    import '@pqina/pintura/pintura.css';

    // Import the editor functionality
    import {
        // Import the default image reader and writer

        // The method used to register the plugins

        // The plugins we want to use

        // The user interface and plugin locale objects

        // Because we use the annotate plugin we also need
        // to import the markup editor locale and the shape preprocessor

        // Import the default configuration for the markup editor and finetune plugins
    } from '@pqina/pintura';

    // Import from `svelte-pintura`
    import { PinturaEditor } from '@pqina/svelte-pintura';

    // This registers the plugins with Pintura Image Editor
    setPlugins(plugin_crop, plugin_finetune, plugin_annotate);

    // Create our editor configuration
    const editorConfig = {
        // This will read the image data (required)
        imageReader: createDefaultImageReader(),

        // This will write the output image
        imageWriter: createDefaultImageWriter(),

        // The markup editor default options, tools, shape style controls

        // The finetune util controls

        // This handles complex shapes like arrows / frames
        shapePreprocessor: createDefaultShapePreprocessor(),

        // This will set a square crop aspect ratio
        imageCropAspectRatio: 1,

        // The icons and labels to use in the user interface (required)
        locale: {

<div style="height:600px">

Next steps

With the editor set up, we can continue to configure the editor to our liking by adjusting the available options exposed by the editor API