Use The JavaScript EyeDropper API To Select Colors On The Web

The EyeDropper API just landed in Chrome Canary. In this is a mini tutorial we’ll quickly look at how to use it in our web apps to select colors.

Let’s get to it, the API is fairly straightforward.

We create a new EyeDropper instance and can then ask it to open the eye dropper with the open method.

The open method returns a Promise that resolves when a color is selected, it rejects if the user cancels the color selection by pressing escape.

const eyeDropper = new EyeDropper();

try {
    const selectedColor = await;
    // logs: { sRGBHex: '#ff0000' }
} catch (err) {
    console.log('color selection cancelled');

You can test for support of EyeDropper using the following snippet, if you’re browsing with a browser that supports the EyeDropper API a button will be rendered below the code snippet.

if ('EyeDropper' in window) {
    // supported

There we go! Fingers crossed we can start using this in the near future.

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