This is the archived documentation for Doka Image Editor v7.

Please visit to see documentation for the latest version of Pintura Image Editor.

How to automatically crop the image subject?

By combining Doka Image Editor with Smartcrop.js we can automatically move the crop rectangle to the most prominent subject in the image.

// create an editor
const editor = openEditor({
    src: './my-image.jpeg',

// listen for image load evevnt
editor.on('load', ({ dest }) => {
    // create a normal image and send it to smartcrop.js
    const image = new Image();
    image.src = URL.createObjectURL(dest);
    image.onload = async () => {
        // calculate the smart crop rectangle, set aspect ratio to 3:4
        const { topCrop } = await smartcrop.crop(image, {
            width: 3,
            height: 4,

        // update the editor crop
        editor.imageCrop = topCrop;