
Remove components

The following selection of editor properties help with disabling components. Please consult the related pages for more information.

These interface editor options controls which parts of the user interface are active:

  • utils
  • enableToolbar
  • enableUtils
  • enableButtonClose
  • enableButtonExport
  • enableButtonRevert
  • enableNavigateHistory

These crop plugin specific properties control which buttons and controls are enabled:

  • cropEnableButtonFlipHorizontal
  • cropEnableButtonFlipVertical
  • cropEnableButtonRotateLeft
  • cropEnableButtonRotateRight
  • cropEnableButtonToggleCropLimit
  • cropEnableImageSelection
  • cropEnableInfoIndicator
  • cropEnableLimitWheelInputToCropSelection
  • cropEnableRotationInput
  • cropEnableSelectPreset
  • cropEnableZoomInput
  • cropEnableZoomAutoHide
  • cropEnableCenterImageSelection

This sticker plugin property toggles the browse sticker button in its footer.

  • stickerEnableSelectImage

This trim plugin specific properties control which buttons and controls are enabled:

  • trimEnableSplit