
I've purchased a license but I still see the unlicensed version watermark

You've purchased a license and you still see the "This version of Pintura is for testing purposes only" watermark.


Please make sure you've set up an .npmrc file and have supplied the npm key generated in the customer portal, please note this is not your license key.

Sometimes npm will have cached the test version, in that situation you can try the following before re-installing:

  • Run npm uninstall @pqina/pintura and remove the .npmrc file.
  • Remove the node_modules folder and package_lock.json file.
  • Reinstall @pqina/pintura


If you're using Yarn, you can add a .yarnrc.yml file with the following contents:

    npmRegistryServer: "https://npm.pqina.nl/"
    npmAuthToken: "PQINA_NPM_TOKEN"

Please note that Yarn v1 has trouble authenticating with private npm services, it's best to update to v2.

If you're still seeing the unlicensed version you can try the following.

  • Run yarn remove @pqina/pintura and then reinstall with yarn install @pqina/pintura